Mobile Marketing

Today we are going to talk about the Mobile Marketing, We will discuss what it is and its importance and, at the end, we will explain a success story.

The Mobile Marketing consists of the implementation and execution of marketing actions through mobile devices.

Why is it important to use it in our marketing strategy?

The data from the Iab's Mobile Study (2015) reflect their importance. Some of the most important data are:

  • In Spain there are 18.2 million Internet users between 18 and 55 years of age, of which 16.2% own a mobile phone, and the majority of these are a Smartphone.
  • The 85% accessed daily to your Smartphone device.
  • The average number of hours per day dedicated to this device is 323 hours in 2015, a figure that has increased by 1h compared to 2014. On the other hand, the average number of hours spent on to the use of tablets is 1,41h daily.
  • The main activities that are carried out are social, recreational, consultative and functional.
  • The average Apps installed is 13,2 y 54% of users have between 1 and 10 Apps installed on your mobile device.
  • The most used Apps with WhatsApp (75%) y Facebook (48%).
  • The mobile phone has become the second screen while watching television.
  • The most clicked advertising was Technology (39%), travel and tourism (37%) and cinema, series and television (34%).
  • 9 out of 10 have you ever used your Smartphone in the purchasing process.
  • 6 out of 10 have shopped via mobile.

This data clearly demonstrates the importance of mobile phone use in the marketing strategies of companies.

It should not be forgotten that every marketing strategy must be in line with our marketing plan. Once we define in our plan that the ideal way to reach our audience is through mobile advertising, we find five main ways:

  • SMS Ads: sending personalised communications to mobiles with offers, promotions, etc.
  • Search Ads: insertions (SEM type) in search engines through sponsored links, presence on "maps" is also considered.
  • Web Display Adsinsertion of advertising pieces (banners) in portals and mobile webs. Complying with size and weight standards.
  • App Display Ads: insertion of parts but replacing mobile webs with Apps.
  • Video Ads: inclusion of pieces -audio and video- with the possibility of being reproduced.

Successful Mobile Marketing Strategy

At Starbucks a customer left his opinion on the Starbucks Idea Incubatorcomplaining about the queues he had to wait in and suggested to the company to make a mobile App to place his order in advance and to allow him to pay via mobile phone.

This App is one of the most downloaded and mobile payment revenues account for about 20% of the company's revenues.

We leave you the link of the Spanish App for if you are a customer of Starbucks and you didn't know it. It can also be used for restaurants VIP's.

Do you have a strategy in place in your company? MobileHave you ever carried out an action of Mobile MarketingDid you know about the case of Starbucks? You can leave your doubts or opinions on this or any other topic in comments.