What have been the most searched queries in 2018?

During 2018 there have been millions of searches through the Google search engine, for anything; and thanks to the Google Trends tool we can find out how many searches have been made on a certain keyword, and we can segment it by cities or by date.

In this post we are going to comment on what have been the most important most searched queries in 2018segmented by various categories. Of course, some of them are very surprising!

Most searched queries in 2018 on Google

Below, we will show those search trends made by Spaniards throughout 2018, showing a top 10 of the following categories: General, Personalities, How to..., Sports, TV and Series, What is.....

These lists are based on search terms whose highest peak has occurred in 2018 compared to 2017.

General Category

This category corresponds to the top 10 queries with the highest search peaks, regardless of the category.

Top 10. Sentence La Manada

Top 9. Strike 8 March 2018

Top 8. Timetable change 2018

Top 7. Fariña

Top 6. Motion of censure

Top 5. Eat my doughnut

Top 4. Bohemian Rhapsody

As we can see, in this top there have been mainly political and social searches. We Spaniards still don't know when the time changes and we don't remember if it is one hour more or one hour less. The famous duet Jirafa Rey X Lapili with their song Eat my doughnut is positioned in the top 5, with more than 7.5 million plays on YouTube.

Top 3. Fortnite


Fortnite is a free video game belonging to the Battle Royale genre developed and published by Epic Games. It is undoubtedly the most talked about game in 2018 by young gamers.

Top 2. Cristina Cifuentes

Cristina Cifuentes

Political figure who has been in the headlines of many newspapers and television news programmes for various reasons.

Top 1. World

World Cup

Football is the top search trend of 2018. Undoubtedly, this great sport is very important in our country, so much so that it has become the most important trend of 2018.

Category Personalities

This category caters to celebrities, whatever their profession. Below is the top 10 celebrity trends of 2018.

Top 10. Montserrat Caballé

Top 9. Aretha Franklin

Top 8. Lopetegui

Top 7. José María Iñigo

Top 6. Meghan Markle

Top 5. Freddie Mercury

Top 4. Stephen Hawking

Undoubtedly, the most sought-after characters have been those who have left us in 2018, beloved characters such as José María Iñigo or the singer Montserrat Caballé.

Top 3. Stan Lee        

Stan Lee 

The well-known American comic book writer and publisher, famous mainly for his superhero comics and founder of Marvel Comics. We will remember him forever.

Top 2. Avicii    


The famous Swedish producer and remixer, famous for his hits "Wake me up!", "Hey brother", "Broken arrows", among many others, left us in April 2018.

Top 1. Rosalia


The Catalan singer has gone viral during 2018 with songs like "Malamente" and "Di mi nombre". During 2018 she has become the Spaniard with the most Latin Grammy Awards with her song "Malamente".

Category "How to..."

This category is made up of searches starting with "How...", searches conducted mainly to find out how an event originated.

Top 10. How to know if you have been blocked on WhatsApp?

Top 9. How to apply for a work history by mobile phone?

Top 8. How to drain radiators?

Top 7. How to make torrijas with milk?

Top 6. How is my nationality doing?

Top 5. How to call with a hidden number?

Top 4. How did Harry and Meghan meet?

This category is made up of searches for everything from how to cook to how to thumb a radiator. It certainly leaves many of us surprised!

Top 3. How does Tinder work?


This is a mobile dating application, widely used by young Spaniards to find a partner or friends.


Top 2. How to claim maternity tax?


One of the most sought-after questions in 2018 has been related to the Treasury, on how to refund the overpayment of personal income tax for maternity and paternity benefits.

Top 1. How to file a tax return?

La Renta

The Renta, the annual management that every worker is interested in, mainly because of his or her obligation to comply with the tax authorities.

Category Sports

This category refers to any type of sport that has caused interest in Spain.

Top 10. Giro d'Italia

Top 9. Dakar 2018

Top 8. Roland Garros

Top 7. Champions League

Top 6. Tour of Spain

Top 5. Coutinho

Top 4. King's Cup

Tennis, cycling and mainly football have been the sports trends of 2018.

Top 3. US Open

US Open

The US Open, formerly known as the US National Championships, is the fourth and final Grand Slam tennis tournament of the season.


Top 2. Wimbledon


The Wimbledon Championships is a tennis tournament organised by the All England Lawn Tennis and Croquet Club, held in June/July at Wimbledon, London, England, United Kingdom since 1877.


Top 1. World

World Cup

If the World Cup has been the number one trend at a general level, it was not going to be less so at a sporting level.

TV and Series Category

Find out which TV shows and series are the most searched for on Google in 2018.

Top 10. Madrid burns

Top 9. The Cathedral of the Sea

Top 8. Elite

Top 7. Fatmagul

Top 6. The Good Doctor

Top 5. MasterChed Celebrity 3

Top 4. Survivors

Funny shows like Survivor and gourmet shows like MasterChef have made it into the top 5 most searched programmes in 2018.

Top 3. Operación Triunfo


The return of this format has been a great success, reminiscent of the first edition of OT back in 2001.


Top. 2. Big Brother VIP


The powerful TV format GH has made a big impact on the Spanish population, achieving high share quotas with this GH VIP whose winner has been highly criticised by many followers of the programme.


Top 1. Eurovision



Eurovision becomes the number one trend in television programmes. Undoubtedly, OT 2017 had a lot to do with this result. Moreover, as it was held in our neighbouring country Portugal, many Spaniards took the opportunity to travel there to take part in this great European event.

Category "What is...?

The Spanish public has been informing itself about certain issues in order to clarify doubts or simply to broaden its knowledge.

Top 10. What is Fortnite

Top 9. Scabies what is it

Top 8. Chlamydia what it is

Top 7. Brexit - what it is

Top 6. EVOO what it is

Top 5. NFC what it is

Top 4. Repeal of permanent revisable prison what is it?

Spaniards searched for social issues such as Brexit and epidemics such as scabies and chlamydia, among other issues.

Top 3. What is a motion of censure?

 Motion of censure

Closely related to the 2018 political situation regarding the presidency of our rulers.

Top 2. VTC that is


The emergence of companies such as Cabify and Uber has dismantled the monopoly of taxi drivers, creating numerous social conflicts among citizens.

Top 1. What is cachopo


Typical Asturian food, cachopo, has been ranked as the number one trend in this category. Undoubtedly, a delicacy.

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