Tourist accommodation

User behaviour of tourist dwellings

Homeaway has launched the results of the 5th edition of the Vacation Rental Barometer in Spain.

The study analyses the behaviour of users of holiday dwellings in Spain in the last two years, both from residents in Spain and from tourists residing in the UK, France and Germany.

Tourists have used a tourist accommodation on average 2.78 times in the last two years. Compared to 2017, the trend towards the use of tourist accommodation is consolidating, leading to a drop in the number of hotel stays.

We analyse the behaviour of holiday home users in Spain.

48% of users consider staying in a hotel, although in the end they opt for a holiday home. By country, residents in Spain consider hotels to a lesser extent than residents abroad (46% vs. 50%).

Are they travelling alone or accompanied? How many days do they spend in the tourist accommodation?

79% of holiday home users travel as a couple or family, with no differences by country. Travelling with friends represents 19% among residents in Spain compared to 16% among residents abroad.

Residents abroad spent an average of 9.97 nights and residents in Spain spent an average of 5.54 nights.

What is the reason for the trip?

The main reason for everyone is to rest, to escape from routine and stress.

Residents in Spain are looking for historical heritage, gastronomy and wine tourism, as well as leisure time with their companions. Residents abroad are looking for fun and exciting experiences, going to the beach and shopping.

Satisfaction with the destination

The overall rating of the chosen tourist destination is high (4.2 out of 5 points). Residents abroad are more satisfied with all the aspects analysed, especially with the friendliness of the local people (4.3 vs. 4 residents in Spain).

How do they find out about their chosen destination?

Websites specialising in holiday home rentals are the main source of information, followed by recommendations from acquaintances and other websites such as online travel agencies.

What motivates them to choose housing?

The location is the deciding factor in the choice of a holiday home, in addition to the surroundings and the price.

Residents abroad prefer the suburbs (63%) while residents in Spain prefer the centre (53%).

Satisfaction with accommodation

As with the destination, foreign tourists are more satisfied with the accommodation than Spanish residents.

The recommendation of the destination is high (4.2 out of 5 points), 40% has written a positive review after his stay.

The 70% would agree with the payment of a tourist tax to improve tourist infrastructure and promote tourist destinations.

Want to know more about this report? You can consult it here.