Study on the jewellery sector in Cordoba

The number of companies dedicated to the manufacture of jewellery, costume jewellery and similar items reaches 2,420 according to INE data; of which, more than 24% are located in Andalusia, specifically in CordobaIn the EU, there are 457 of these companies, representing almost two thirds of the total number of companies in the EU. andalusian jewellery sector.

Characteristics of the study of the jewellery sector in Cordoba

This relevance of the jewellery sector in Cordoba This is due to their weight within the sector in Andalusia, but also in terms of their relative size within the manufacturing industry in Cordoba. If we look at the data provided by the Directory of Companies and Establishments with Economic Activity in Andalusia, they indicate that the sector's businesses make up 12.2% of Cordoba's manufacturing companies. This is more than 10 percentage points above the relevance or weight of these organisations in the regional (2.51 TTP3T) and national (1.41 TTP3T) production networks.

The importance of cordovan jewellery sector lies in its specific weight within the andalusian jewellery sectorbut also in their relative size within the manufacturing industry in the province of Cordoba. Data from the Directory of Companies and Establishments with Economic Activity in Andalusia show that companies in the sector account for the largest share of the total number of companies in the sector. 12.2% of Cordoba's manufacturing companies (IECA, 2017), more than 10 percentage points above the weight of these companies in the regional (2.5%) and national (1.4%) productive fabric (INE, 2017).

Using a multisectoral economic model, based on the Social Accounting Matrix of the Cordoba economy for 2016, the impact on Total Production and provincial GDP of the expenditure made by companies in the sector in order to carry out their main activity: the production of articles of silverware, jewellery and watches has been evaluated. The valuations carried out date the expenditure of the jewellery sector at 138.3 million euros; this would translate into an increase of 1.25% in Total Production and 1.29% in the province's GDP in 2016.

On the other hand, the relationship between the magnitudes of the increase in Total and Estimated Production indicate that for every euro of expenditure associated with the jewellery sectoris taking place, there is a increase of 2.3 euros in Cordoba production. In terms of employment, for every million euros that demand in the Cordoba jewellery sector is increased, it will be possible to produce more than 672 jobs in the Cordoba economy.

Finally, the economic forecasts regarding the evolution of activity for 2017 and 2018 allow us to predict a positive performance of this sector during the aforementioned period, estimating an average accumulated growth rate of around 1.75% per year. Due to the positive results derived from this sector on the provincial economy as a whole, a positive contribution is expected for this period.