AcciónMK travels to FITUR 2019 and conducts satisfaction surveys

Last Wednesday saw the start of the new edition of the International Tourism Fair (FITUR) in Madrid. FITUR is the global meeting point for tourism professionals and the leading trade fair for inbound and outbound markets in Ibero-America. The event held its most international edition with the presence of 886 exhibitors and more than 10,487 companies from 165 countries and regions. In a first balance of results, it is estimated that the 39th edition of the international fair held at IFEMA, has broken the record of participants with the visit of more than 253,000 people, representing a growth of 0.7% compared to last year.

Survey service to measure satisfaction at FITUR 2019

ActionMK, company specialising in market researchThe company has joined the participation figures with the assistance of its team in the provision of the face-to-face satisfaction survey service. The objective has involved carrying out the fieldwork by means of a face-to-face survey process addressed to all those attending the event.

The team of pollsterstogether with the necessary technical support, travelled to the Spanish capital to carry out its activities over the past week. Throughout the different days of FITUR, the team has developed 400 surveys to both professionals and the general public attending the event..

Survey service at FITUR

It is not the first time that ActionMK travels to an international trade fair for the provision of its services. face-to-face survey service. Last November, the team was present at the World Travel Market in London, where expectations were more than met.

Performance measurement is one of the most powerful marketing tools. Only if you can measure something, can you improve it. That is why, if you are looking to to measure the effectiveness of an event or to know the level of satisfaction of your customers.In order to do so, surveys are an essential tool.

Surveyors at FITUR

Survey interviews are part of the data collection process in a quantitative study. At ActionMKwe are committed to offering a face-to-face survey service in order to improve the quality of the respondent's answer and to be able to extract an optimal analysis from the study. Our survey service is adapted to any sector, type of client or set objectives. To this end, we design market studies tailored to your needs and requirements.s. Do you need a survey service? Contact us and ask for a no obligation quote.

Find the design of your city's stand at FITUR 2019


Seville FITUR 2019

Malaga Cool City

Malaga FITUR 2019


Jaén FITUR 2019


Huelva FITUR 2019


Granada FITUR 2019


Cordoba FITUR 2019

Costa del Sol

Costa del Sol FITUR 2019


Cádiz FITUR 2019

Valencian Community

Valencia FITUR 2019


Madrid FITUR 2019


Ibiza FITUR 2019


Galicia FITUR 2019


Asturias FITUR 2019


Catalonia FITUR 2019

Castilla La Mancha

Castilla La Mancha FITUR 2019


Aragon FITUR 2019



Dominican Republic

Dominican Republic FITUR 2019


Honduras FITUR 2019


Jamaica FITUR 2019


Cuba FITUR 2019

Costa Rica

Costa Rica FITUR 2019


Colombia FITUR 2019


Chile FITUR 2019


Brazil FITUR2019


Argentina FITUR 2019