Study on employability in the audiovisual sector

A recent study on the audiovisual sector has revealed a series of important data regarding employability in this sector. Throughout this post, we will detail the key findings on it.

The survey was conducted among more than 100 human resources managers and experts in the audiovisual sector.

Details of the study on employability in the audiovisual sector

To begin with, we will talk about the sub-sectors that will generate the greatest employability over the years.

  • Animation and 3D is the fastest growing sub-sectorsupported by the 90% of respondents. On the other hand, 10% are of the opinion that employability will be maintained.
  • The second fastest-growing sub-sector will be the Video gamessupported by 90% of those surveyed, compared with 1 per cent who think it will decrease.
  • The third sub-sector is the Content Networking and Marketing, supported by 90% of those surveyed, compared to the 2nd who think it will decrease.
  • Sollowing this top of sub-sectors where employability will growhe continues: Multimedia; IT Development; Programmatic selling platforms; Teleco, SEO & SEM; Television; Graphic design and advertising agencies; Cinema; Radio; others.

In general, it is a sector that will grow across the board. The areas with the greatest potential for job creation are those related to technology.

The sub-sectors that generate more and new types of jobs are the following (top 6)

  • More jobsAnimation and 3D; Video Games; Content Networking and Marketing; Multimedia; IT Development; Programmatic Sales Platforms.
  • New types of jobsIT Development; Programmatic Sales Platforms; Content Networking and Marketing; Animation and 3D; Telecoms; Video Games.

Now we ask the future: What professions will generate more jobs in the futureHow does this compare to the level of employability today?

  • Content Creation Sector21% says it will grow much more; 48% says it will grow; 24% says it will stay the same; 1 says it will be much less in the future than today.
  • Programming Sector16% say it will grow much more; 46% say it will grow more; 34% say it will stay the same and 4th say it will be less than in 2018.
  • IT Development Sector10% say it will grow much more; 46% say it will grow more; 4th say it will be less than in 2018.

The sub-sectors whose employability will be much less in the future than it is today areMachinists; Engineering; Casting; Hairdressing; Wardrobe; Make-up; Accounting; Decoration; Camera.

Looking to the future, questions have been raised about those subjects that will have a high employability potential. In order, these were: Big Data (76% say so); Cybersecurity (68% say so); Cloud Computing (61% say so); Application Development (53% say so).

On the other hand, this survey has also collected questions about the profiles of the employees of the future. 59% say that both specialist and generalist profiles will be more in demand in a few years, although a little more the specialists. 28% say that it will be the specialists who will dominate this sector; only 1% say that only generic profiles will dominate the employability of the audiovisual sector.