
What is Neuromarketing?

In the society in which we live, the massive presence of advertising is a completely normal thing. People are bombarded by advertising in many forms and at many times, in some cases being intrusive and unsubtle. What is the

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Study of the fashion sector in Spain

This post presents a summary of the most relevant indicators regarding the fashion sector in Spain throughout 2017. It is not only going to be an X-ray of the fashion sector, but also a

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Study on the occupational accident rate in Malaga

The number of accidents at work continues to increase in Malaga. The main reason argued by the trade unions is the precariousness that dominates the market. This high precariousness is based on the labour reform and on the refusal of many companies to invest in

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Badajoz Strategic Plan

Badajoz's strategic plan comprises 3 major strategic horizons for the city: A city to live in Resources for quality of life A style of its own: sustainability These three Strategic Axes are further divided into Strategic Lines of Action

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