Impact of the COVID-19 crisis

The "San Telmo" business school has carried out a survey among its alumni to find out how they are handling these times and how they foresee the effects of the current situation on their companies. In this study, various situations and opinions have been gathered, which vary according to the sector to which they belong.

In this article we will comment on the conclusions obtained and possible ways of facing the future. According to the business school itself, "this can serve as a point of reflection, so that everyone can draw their own conclusions to help them guide their immediate business action".

Main conclusion

The main conclusion obtained is the good mood The surveyed entrepreneurs and managers have reflected on how to cope with the current and future situation. This is because almost everyone is confident that they will do as well or better than their competitors. Although this statement is not a predictable result, it does show that if companies try to face this situation with a positive (realistic) attitude and if they plan and implement appropriate strategies to differentiate themselves from the competition, this could be achieved.  

As a counterpart, it is concluded that the sectors most affected by this crisis are and will be leisure and automobiles.. That is why now is the time for all companies in these sectors to reinvent themselves and go online, i.e. create an online profile both on social networks and on their own websites. And from there, develop strategies to try to reach the maximum possible audience and achieve the differentiation they want among their competitors. 

Here, we launch a question: What do you think about teleworking? Do you think it is a system of work that will be established in companies permanently? 

This situation has led to companies resorting to teleworking and a move towards online updating, out of necessity, and has led to the need to refocusing its business model and commercial strategyThe internal relationship within companies as well as the relationship with customers has been altered. 

On the other hand, with the exception of companies in the primary sector, the rest are going to have to face a series of cuts, although they do not consider that there will be many. They themselves affirm that companies will have to focus on the following areas at this time adjusting the commercial and identification aspectand also in the approach to the customer. 

The conclusions obtained in this report are optimistic, as they themselves point out, this may be because the former students who have responded have not been so hard hit by this crisis. 

At AcciónMK we believe that we will be able to get out of this unexpected stagnation and that, if we design a optimal strategyThe specialised training in each of the objectives we wish to achieve, we will be able to face the recovery stage in a better way. 

In our previous post In the blog, you can find tips on how to advertise your company, although we advise you to get in touch with marketing professionals to deal with this situation.