
Traditional surveys provide valuable information, but fieldwork adds layers of understanding that go beyond that. There are elements that cannot be obtained through numbers: the nuances, emotions and aspirations of your consumers. 

Through interviews and other techniques, we observe your customers' reactions and gestures and listen to the stories that are not reflected in the data. In this way, we understand how consumers interact with your brand, what they expect from your products or services and what their concerns are. 

We observe and collect data in real time.

Fieldwork is a method that is part of market research, but outside of conventional research spaces. It involves observing people and collecting data directly in the environment where your customers move.

The fieldwork in Malaga is carried out in several fundamental stages that allow us to thoroughly understand the needs, behaviours and preferences of your clients.

    • Planning: We establish the objectives of the study, design the methodology, select the sample and determine the necessary resources.
    • Preparation: As part of the fieldwork, we organise the data collection instruments we need, train the staff involved and make the necessary arrangements.
    • We collected the data: We carry out the fieldwork in Malaga using different methods to collect data, such as surveys, interviews, mystery shopping...
    • Preliminary analysis: We conducted an initial analysis of the data collected in the field to identify possible patterns, trends or problems that may require adjustments to the process.
    • Validation and interpretation: We check the quality and reliability of the data, ensuring their coherence and consistency. In addition, we analyse in depth the information obtained for the study through defined indicators or mathematical algorithms (factor analysis, cluster analysis, correlations...) to draw conclusions relevant to the study.
    • We inform the client: We write a detailed report including findings, conclusions, recommendations and any other information derived from the fieldwork.

We use fieldwork to understand the issues that define your customers' decisions.

Knowing your target audience is not just about getting numbers and statistics to identify trends. Fieldwork in Malaga is essential to get first-hand information from customers, to understand not only what they do, but why they do it. We explore consumers' daily interactions, we observe, listen and connect with them to obtain real-time data.

    • Surveys: We understand the needs, preferences and perceptions of your audience by approaching them through telephone, face-to-face or web surveys. Our surveys are developed in 3 phases:
      1. We design questionnaires and carry out translations in different languages if necessary: English, French, Italian, German...
      2. We program the questionnaires through the survey management software LimeSurvey.
      3. We develop survey manuals for our team of surveyors and train them. In addition, before launching the surveys, we check that the programming in LimeSurvey has been correct, as well as the data and the structure of the database to which the survey will be sent.
    • Focus Group: We gather a representative group of your target audience or industry experts to analyse their opinions, attitudes and perceptions about your brand, product or service. Through a questionnaire based on previously defined points according to the objective of the study, this method allows you to obtain a more detailed and qualitative view of your audience.
    • Competitive analysis: Understanding your competition is key to the success of any strategy. We carry out an analysis of your competitors through secondary sources, evaluating their strengths, weaknesses, marketing strategies, positioning and market presence. In this way, you can get a clear view of your environment to make better decisions.
    • Benchmarking: We compare your processes, strategies and results with other market models similar to yours. In this way, we can learn about new techniques and methodologies that could be applied to improve your processes and stand out from your competitors.
    • Tracking studies: We monitor the state of your brand in relation to your competitors by analysing the consumer buying process and their opinions. We identify the initiatives of your brand that work best, as well as your points of improvement so that you can focus your actions.
    • Mystery Shopping: Get objective information about your company or your competitors from the point of view of your customers through the observation of an external person. You will be able to see how your business works in real life and detect areas for improvement that are difficult to identify with other techniques.
    • In-depth interview: We gather information on consumer behaviour, attitudes and opinions about your brand through a personal interview with experts in the field or with your target audience. Each of them is conducted separately and allows you to understand how your consumers think and feel through a pre-defined semi-structured interview.
    • Desk Research: We collect and analyse existing information, such as databases, industry reports, market research, statistics, trend analysis and more, to provide you with detailed and accurate information about your industry, competitors, target audiences and anything else relevant to your business objectives.


Market research is research to collect, analyse and understand relevant information about a specific market, including its consumers, competitors and trends.

Market research is carried out to better understand the environment in which a company operates, allowing a better understanding of the conditions, trends and characteristics of a specific market. It is essential to conduct them in order to:

  • Know your audience: helps to identify who your potential customers are, their needs, preferences, buying behaviour and relevant market segments.
  • Assessing competence: allows us to understand how other actors position themselves in the market, what strategies they employ, what their strengths and weaknesses are...
  • Informed decision-making: provides key information to decide on strategic issues, such as product development, pricing, marketing strategies, geographic expansion, among others.
  • Reduce risks: By better understanding the market, potential risks can be anticipated and mitigated, avoiding unnecessary investments or ineffective strategies.
  • Identify opportunities: allows you to detect business opportunities that might be going unnoticed, untapped areas or relevant market niches.

Market research is carried out to better understand the environment in which a company operates, allowing a better understanding of the conditions, trends and characteristics of a specific market. It is essential to conduct them in order to:

  • Know your audiencehelps to identify who your potential customers are, their needs, preferences, buying behaviour and relevant market segments.
  • Assessing competenceThe following is an example: it allows us to understand how other actors position themselves in the market, what strategies they employ, what their strengths and weaknesses are...
  • Informed decision-makingThe "strategic information": provides key information to decide on strategic issues, such as product development, pricing, marketing strategies, geographic expansion, among others.
  • Reducing risksby better understanding the market, potential risks can be anticipated and mitigated, avoiding unnecessary investments or ineffective strategies.
  • Identifying opportunitiesThe "Business Opportunity Mapping": allows you to detect business opportunities that might be going unnoticed, untapped areas or relevant market niches.

The market studies are a specific part of market research.

The market research encompasses a broader approach that includes the analysis of data, trends, behaviours and market variables in general, while a market study focuses on a particular aspect or a specific market issue.

Market research can provide detailed information on market demographics, purchasing behaviour, consumer preferences, competitor analysis, market trends, among other data relevant to business decisions.

Market research in Malaga can be of great help to your company by providing valuable information that will allow you to improve products or services, identify growth opportunities, better understand customers, optimise marketing strategies and make more informed and accurate business decisions.

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At AccionMK we take care of all aspects related to website development.


Strategic consultancy

Through the elaboration of a strategic plan, decision-making is facilitated.



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Achieve your digital goals with our marketing services.


By registering a trademark, a company is granted the exclusive right to prevent third parties from marketing identical or similar products.

The registration of trademarks and patents is done through the website of the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office.