Internal Communication in companies


In this week's post we are going to talk to you about the Internal Communication This is an indispensable aspect for the proper functioning of organisations, especially in medium-sized and large companies.

This concept can be defined as the process of any type of communication, whether official (internal rules, conditions, procedures, etc.) or unofficial (communication between members of the company) within an organisation. In order to be effective, internal communication must be carried out in all directions: managers, employees, middle management...

This process is very important for the life of a company, as each employee can quickly get an answer to a question or be informed of something relevant to the achievement of their work, which saves time and leads to greater effectiveness within the objectives of the organisation. It is the feeling of unity that makes companies last over time, without this feeling, they are just a group of individuals working on their work without having contact with their colleagues.

If the Internal Communication If carried out properly, it can bring the company a lot of benefits. Below, we will look at some of them:

  1. A climate of unity among employees. As we have already mentioned, without this atmosphere, employees would have no connection with each other. It makes them feel part of the company, so they feel more comfortable working and want to spend more time in the company, creating a community atmosphere.
  2. Sense of belonging to the organisation. It makes employees feel that they are part of a whole and that they are working towards the same goal. In addition, it makes them all feel equal, which means that there is no feeling of distrust or rivalry between colleagues.
  3. Improve the effectiveness of the company. You can respond more quickly to changes and unforeseen events because everyone has the same information. In addition, rumours among employees are eliminated.
  4. Optimal information in the company. Employees are informed of the latest changes, whether good or bad, which makes them respond better and faster, improving the effectiveness of the organisation.

Now that we are clear about the importance of Internal Communication Within the company, we are going to list the main communication tools that are used for this purpose:

  1. Regular meetings, lunches, breakfasts, events.
  2. Employee handbook / welcome handbook.
  3. Newsletter/ bulletins.
  4. Mailings or circulars.
  5. Corporate magazine.
  6. Quality circle.
  7. Notice or news board.
  8. Intranet
  9. Social Networking.
  10. Suggestion box.
  11. Videoconferences.
  12. Satisfaction surveys.
  13. Open door visit.
  14. Other channels of communication. 

Next week we will publish the second part of this article where we will define each of these tools.