Presentation of the Malaga 2020 Strategic Plan

A new publication of the CIEDES Foundation in which the Malaga Strategic Plan rethink in order to adapt to the objectives of smart, sustainable and inclusive growth in the EU. comprehensive Europe 2020 blueprint.

The central objective of this strategic plan remains to keep the urban strategic process alive: thinking, planning, projects, evaluation.

Malaga 2020 Strategic Plan

The strategies and objectives of the Malaga 2020 Strategy are listed below. Specifically, there are 4 strategies.

1. International Capital of Culture.

In the first meetings held to address this concept, it was decided to create working groups to determine the objectives to be pursued and actions to be taken in line with the local reality, but in harmony with the European framework. Among the objectives to be achieved, the following stand out:
Multi-purpose public and private spaces. Cultural demand and citizen participation.
History of Malaga
Media and networks
Education and culture.

2º. International Tourist Capital

The strategic plan for tourism in Malaga 2020 establishes for all this a series of strategic lines that will be important to promote among all the city's agents:

  • Strengthening the destination Malaga
  • Citizen awareness strategy
  • Commitment to quality in the sector
  • Strengthening institutional coordination
  • Consolidation of traditional tourism segments
  • Focus on new segments

Like proposals for action the following issues are developed:

  • Making Malaga a Smart destination (offering a sustainable, innovative, accessible, socially competitive, friendly destination...).
  • Increasing international presence
  • Dimension the growth of the industry with a balanced and parallel growth of the destination and its complementary offer that allows for the selection of a balanced and competitive calendar of events in terms of price and quality.
  • To focus on events in line with the city's strategy, innovation, technology, coastline, culture...
  • Position Malaga as an urban destination with the highest tourist expenditure.
  • Establish a joint and coordinated offline and online promotion strategy.
  • To highlight Malaga as a leading tourist capital in the Mediterranean and the Middle East.
  • Promote resilient and sustainable tourism, with special attention to central areas and areas with a high tourist influx, in order to avoid the expulsion of resident populations

3rd. Creative Malaga

Like proposals for action to address this issue, the following stand out:

  • Membership of the UNESCO Creative Cities Network, within the Cinema modality.
  • The San Telmo Art School's Higher Studies in Design remain in Malaga.
  • Creation of the Centre for Stage Innovation
  • Creation of Malaga ArtCenter
  • Organisation and holding of the Malaga EmergentArtFair
  • Creation of a Choreographic Centre in Malaga
  • Centre for Internationalisation and Production of Performing Arts

4º. Malaga Educator

When talking about the educating city in the coming years, all public and private actors should work along the following lines:

  • Educating in new friendly urban design
  • Educating on healthy lifestyles (health and gastronomy)
  • Educating in an inclusive city that caters for diversity.
  • Educating in entrepreneurial culture
  • Educating in musical culture