Social media

Social media has become the place where brands flourish, connect with users and grow. And also where every day it is necessary to be more creative to stand out. From captivating users to creating connections with your audience, we manage your social media in Malaga or nationwide to boost your presence on every platform.

We are your social media agency in Malaga

From analysis and strategic planning to execution, we take care of every aspect of your social media to ensure a consistent image for your brand. We offer a comprehensive social media management service to elevate your social media presence: from visual content creation to engaging copy, we are the community manager in Malaga that your business needs.

    • Development of social media strategies: We create customised strategies for each social platform, taking into account the brand's specific objectives and target audience.

    • Content planning: We draw up a calendar of publications and analyse the best time to reach your audience. To do this, we use different social media management tools.

    • Copywriting and content creation: We create attractive content, including visual publications, videos and infographics. We also take care of writing optimised texts for your publications.

    • Community Manager: We interact with your followers by responding to their comments, direct messages and engaging in relevant conversations to encourage conversation and build strong relationships with your audience.

    • Social media advertising: We create and manage your advertising campaigns on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter and LinkedIn to increase your brand's reach and visibility.

    • Influencer marketing: We identify and contact relevant influencers within your market niche to make collaborations that allow you to expand the reach and credibility of your brand.

Types of Market Research

With our market research in Malaga, Andalusia and Madrid, we provide you with all the information you need to make the best decisions and develop effective marketing strategies. We show you the profile of your current and potential customers, what they expect to get from your product and where is the best place to advertise it. 

  • Quantitative market research: We carry out statistical analyses and design hypotheses to obtain accurate data on the behaviour of your target audience in the market. With them you will be able to obtain relevant information to carry out specific actions, such as designing new products or segmenting your payment campaigns.

  • Qualitative market research: We analyse your customers' needs, habits, motivations and expectations so that you can understand why they react in a certain way to a product or service. It will allow you to discover how your customers perceive your brand and help you build long-term relationships with them.

  • Ad hoc market studies: Do you need information quickly about a specific aspect of your target audience? We create "ad hoc" market research for a specific project according to your needs. It will allow you to get information in a short period of time and make more effective decisions.


A social media agency is responsible for managing, administering and enhancing the presence of a brand or company on social platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, among others. This includes the creation of content strategies, publications, interaction with the audience, analysis of metrics and management of advertising on social networks.

By hiring a social media management agency, you get specialised expertise in digital strategy, time savings, professional content creation, data analysis for ongoing optimisation, increased audience reach and engagement, and a strategic approach.

Choosing the best social media platforms for your business will depend on the type of business, the target audience and your objectives. Platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn, YouTube and TikTok are common, but the selection may vary depending on your industry and brand strategy.

The common publications that we see on a social network are those that are shared organically with the audience without paying, while those that we see on a social network are those that are shared organically with the audience without paying, while those that are shared organically with the audience without paying. paid publications are those in which money is invested to promote them and extend their reach through targeted advertising. The latter are often referred to as "advertisements" or "promotional content".

Reports can include metrics such as reach, impressions, interactions, clicks, conversions, follower growth, engagement rates, among others, depending on the specific campaign objectives and what you ask us to do.

The time to see tangible results may vary depending on the strategy, but generally, improvements in engagement and outreach can be seen within a few weeks.

Our approach to social media management in Malaga includes audience research, trend analysis, identification of target audience needs and preferences, creation of varied and engaging content, and constant adaptation according to performance.

A Social Media Manager focuses on the overall social media strategy, overseeing the presence on multiple platforms and coordinating content creation, while an Community Manager is responsible for direct interaction with the audience, responding to comments, messages and engaging in conversations to build relationships with the community. Depending on the size of the company, one person may perform both functions or they may be separate roles.

Request a quote

Don't be left wanting to grow. Tell us about your project, ideas or doubts, and we will study your case carefully to be able to give you an action plan and a personalised budget according to your needs, with no obligation! What are you waiting for?

Services that
we also offer

We offer a wide range of additional services to meet all your business needs.


Market research

We are in a market marked by constant change.


Strategic consultancy

Through the elaboration of a strategic plan, decision-making is facilitated.



Digital marketing could not exist without design.



At AccionMK we take care of all aspects related to website development.

By registering a trademark, a company is granted the exclusive right to prevent third parties from marketing identical or similar products. 

The registration of trademarks and patents is done through the website of the Spanish Patent and Trademark Office.